International Yoga Day 2022: Yoga history, themes, benefits, images

International Yoga Day 2021
Yoga is a Sanskrit word derived from the root ‘Yuj’ means ‘to join’. It signifies the union between the individual soul (Jivatma) and the universal soul (Parmatma). The word Yoga itself has a great philosophical value and means in Sanskrit literature but today we are not going into its depth.
It consists of treatment of disease or maintenance of health by various yogic exercises which may be physical or mental or both. It aims to obtain relief from pain and suffering, and also to obtain harmony between mind, body, and soul that is physical, mental, and spiritual harmony.

Where can I learn yoga?

It must be performed under the care of expert yoga teachers or yoga practitioners or yoga gurus nearer to you.

When is the best time of day to practice yoga?

The best time is 5 am to 8 am. It should be practiced on an empty stomach. Some asanas like Vajrasana can also be performed after food. All yoga should be practiced on clean yoga mats, or a carpet or a blanket covered with a cotton sheet. For free movements of limbs, clothing should be light and loose-fitting. All disturbances and stress should be kept off from the mind.

Yoga History:

It is a 5000-year-old tradition practiced originated in India. Many researchers said that it had been narrated in Upanishad. But Maharshi Patanjali was the first to teach yoga systematically in the yoga sutra.

When is International Yoga Day is celebrated?

Although yoga is an ancient Indian tradition practiced for years, but first, it was announced on December 11 in 2014 by the United Nations General Assembly and proclaimed 21st June as International Day of yoga.
The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the United Nations General Assembly on 27th September 2014, wherein he said: “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body, thought and action, restraint and fulfillment, harmony between man and nature, a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world, and nature”. After that, the day was declared by UN General Assembly.

Why international yoga day on 21 June?

The date chosen is 21st June of every year because of the summer solstice and June 21st is the longest day of the year in the Northern hemisphere. In many parts of the world, this day has special significance also.

How to celebrate International Yoga Day?

For optimal health results, yoga should be performed daily and regularly. If you have not started yoga yet, start on yoga day. Do yoga with friends or family or in a group or do mass yoga. Because exercising in a group gives you more moral support and energizes you. Try simple yoga poses in starting and until you are comfortable. Don’t do exhaustive practice on day one.

International Yoga day themes:

The first international yoga day was celebrated on 21st June 2015. In India, it was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the event has two Guinness World Records. One for participating 35985 people at a single venue in a single yoga season and another for most nationalities participating in a yoga season.
Every year the theme for international yoga day is different and here are all the themes since it has started.
  • International Yoga Day 2015 theme: Yoga for harmony and peace
  • International Yoga Day 2016 theme: Connect with youth
  • International Yoga Day 2017 theme: Yoga for wellness
  • International Yoga Day 2018 theme: Yoga for health
  • International Yoga Day 2019 theme: There were two themes for this year. Yoga for climate action is the theme selected by the United Nations and Yoga for the heart is the theme selected by the Ministry of Ayush.
  • International Yoga Day 2020 theme: Yoga for Health and Yoga at Home
  • International Yoga Day 2021 theme: Yoga at home and Yoga for family
  • International Yoga Day 2022 theme: Yoga for Well-being

What Yoga basically consists of?

The basis of yoga or yoga exercise consists of or practiced in the form of Yogic Kriyas, Asanas, and Pranayama.

Yogic Kriyas:

These are mainly cleansing technique which helps to eliminate impurities from the body and treat many ailments. There are six Kriyas are also known as ‘sat kriyas’ and the names are…
1. Jalneti: for purification of the nasal passage.
2. Vamana Dhauti: also known as Kunjal and helpful for cleansing the stomach and intestine.
3. Kapalbhati: Kapala means ‘skull’ and Bhati means ‘shine’. This is mainly a respiratory exercise for the abdomen and diaphragm and helps in stimulating brain cells by purifying the brain.
4. Trataka: for strengthening weak eye muscles.
5. Mauli: for strengthening abdominal muscles and internal organs.
6. Vasti: for cleansing of the rectum.


Aasan are various body yoga poses or yoga postures and different Asanas helps in different conditions of the body. Some useful Asanas are…
Trikonasana, etc.


In Sanskrit Prana means ‘vital force’ and Ayam means ‘control’. So Pranayama means the control of vital force by controlled and regulated breathing.
Pranayam is beneficial in many common disorders of the body. Common Pranayama practiced are…
Bhramari, etc.

Benefits of Yoga:

  • Different types of yoga therapy or yoga chikitsa are helpful in different ways to the human body.
  • It improves circulation throughout the body, stimulates and energizes the major endocrine glands of the body.
  • It also helps in reducing stress and tension whether it be physical, mental, or emotional, and helps in improving health and harmony.
  • Regular practice helps in preventing and removing many common diseases from the body.

Images for International Yoga Day 2021:

So, this is all about yoga. International yoga day on June 21 is coming soon and peoples also look and search for yoga day images, International yoga quotes, slogans on yoga, yoga post, and also WhatsApp sticker for yoga day.
Here are a collection of the best images for yoga day. These are some best images from pixabay and pixels. You can download it for free…


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